
Certain kitchen smells always evoke the deepest, warmest feelings and memories for me. Every time I smell brasciola, meatballs and gravy I think of my Grandfather- warm Irish soda bread reminds me of my Grandmother, and the smell of star anise simmering in a big pot of Pho always reminds me of Mom. When I was away at college my first year (my first time away for an extended period of time) - I remember coming home on my school breaks,  walking into the house and just taking in the smells of home. Such a comforting feeling for a homesick college freshman. 

Fast forward 20+ years and unknowingly I created the same comfort smells for my own boys. Not too long ago, my boys started to spend weekends away from home. I would miss them terribly and every other Sunday while I awaited their arrival, I would make them their favorite treats for their home-coming. After several weeks,  upon walking through the front door they both yelled.. "I SMELL SOMETHING GOOOOOD!! "After hugs and kisses were finished, they asked me.. "Momma, do you always make our favorite muffins and brownies for when we come home?". 

I was over joyed to hear that I created this tradition for them... just like my family did for me. One day, when they come home from college, I'll have Banana Cream Cheese Cakes waiting for them (+ their college roommates). I hope you enjoy these muffin/cakes as much as they do!